To understand how to stop binge eating, let’s learn how to START binge eating.
The processes to STOP or START binging are fundamentally the same.
By understanding how you would train a non-binger to START binge eating or eating compulsively, you might start to recognize how YOU started, and how you subconsciously allowed it to grow into the repetitive or addictive pattern it is today.
STEP 1 – Increase your exposure to stress and limit any healthy stress relieving activities.
*BONUS TIP* To really enhance this first step, start with a poor self-esteem and self-image and a life-time attitude of dieting and skinny culture.
STEP 2 – Change how you regulate your emotions. Switch from any healthy behaviors to using certain foods to soothe, comfort, reward or punish.
STEP 3 – Change your values around food. Create the mindset that ‘if you could eat anything you want without consequences’, you would. Put certain foods on a pedestal. Categorize foods as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Resent people who ‘eat what they want’.
STEP 4 – Be less mindful. Not just around food, but in everyday life. Allow your stress and busyness to help you become reactive, overwhelmed and anxious.
STEP 5 – Activate the brain's pleasure center. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, over-indulge in your favorite or ‘bad’ foods. Over expose your tastebuds and brain to high-impact foods, it will really help to set a template for cravings.
In the Daily Method Course we dive deeper into how habits function in the brain and teach you the framework for rewiring your brain so you can learn to enjoy any food at any time.
STEP 6 – Practice. Whenever you feel any emotion or stress, eat your favorite or ‘bad foods’. This will help the brain to connect the neural pathways between stress and emotions to certain tastes and foods, and to the ritual of eating. In time, your brain will get so quick at this, you won’t even notice the emotions anymore, you’ll just feel cravings or you’ll mindlessly start eating.
STEP 7 – Visualize. Make a daily practice of visualizing or fantasizing about eating certain foods. Think about what you would eat if you could, what you might purchase later to eat, or perhaps plan out a binge for later on when no one is around. With thought and repetition, you can make food your dominant thoughts.
STEP 8 – Create triggers, so you have even more reasons to eat ‘your foods’.
Bad memories from childhood?
Someone says something negative about you?
Walking past a bakery?
Worn down from a big day?
Achieved something great?
Someone frustrates you?
Stressful day at work?
Practice in these moments as much as possible so your brain can instantly connect these moments or feelings with cravings for eating. The more you practice the faster it will get!
Viola! You are now a binge eater!
If this all sounds too familiar…
Don’t worry.
Stopping your binge or compulsive eating is 100% possible.
If you want more support with step-by-step guidance, join the Daily Method Course and learn how to stop obsessing over food and make your change journey as easy and effective as possible.